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All-on-4 Dental Implants – Tucson, AZ

Rebuild Your Smile in a Single Day

Dental implants replace the roots of lost teeth, so you might wonder if that means you need an implant for every missing tooth. No, you do not. In fact, thanks to the innovative All-on-4 treatment, an entire arch of lost teeth can be replaced with as few as four strategically placed implants! Plus, the process is very efficient; it may be possible for Dr. Lopez and our Tucson team to rebuild your smile in a single day! Continue reading below to learn more about this innovative form of tooth replacement, and then get in touch with our office when you are ready to request a personalized consultation.

How Do All-on-4 Dental Implants Work?

illustration of All0On-4 dental implants for lower dental arch

All-on-4 dental implant treatment is designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Two implants get placed toward the front of the jawbone, and two go toward the back. This precise and strategic placement method utilizes areas of the bone that are naturally strong and thick, which, in many cases, eliminates the need for a bone graft. Very often, extractions, dental implant placement, and the placement of a temporary denture are all performed during the same appointment. Therefore, you might hear some people refer to this procedure as “Teeth in a Day.”

Am I a Candidate for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

patient talking with dental team during consultation

You might be a suitable candidate for All-on-4 dental implants if:

  • You are missing all or most of your teeth throughout a dental arch (or your remaining teeth will soon need to be extracted).
  • Your jawbone is strong enough to support dental implants. (Most people meet this requirement even without a bone graft.)
  • You are healthy enough to undergo minor surgery.
  • You are free of active gum disease.

If you are unsure of whether you qualify for All-on-4, visit our team for a consultation. Even if you are not a candidate right now, the odds are good that you could become one after some restorative treatment!

Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants

older couple enjoying a romantic meal

All-on-4 dental implants offer many of the same benefits that you would expect with traditional implant treatments, including:

  • You can enjoy a strong bite that equips you to eat virtually any food.
  • All-on-4 dentures are permanently attached to the implants that support them. Not only is this convenient, but it also helps them to feel as natural and comfortable as possible.
  • Jawbone preservation. Dental implants can stimulate the jawbone and prevent it from deteriorating.
  • Easy maintenance. In some ways, caring for All-on-4 dentures is just like caring for natural teeth.
  • Beautiful appearance. We carefully design All-on-4 dentures so they look both beautiful and natural.

All-on-4 vs. Traditional Dental Implants

illustration of traditional dental implant between natural teeth

There are a few key differences between traditional dental implants and All-on-4 treatment:

  • All-on-4 treatment tends to have a shorter overall treatment time.
  • All-on-4 usually requires just one surgical procedure (as opposed to two or more.
  • Fast smile restoration. Thanks to All-on-4, you can get a beautiful new smile right away! With traditional implants, there is usually a waiting period of a few months between implant placement and the placement of a restoration (crown, bridge, or denture).
  • Traditional dental implants are more versatile because they can be used to replace any number of teeth. All-on-4 is exclusively for full-arch replacement.
  • In some cases, traditional implant dentures are more stable due to the use of more implants.

Our team will help you decide which type of implant treatment is right for your unique situation.